Important Note for Candidates
In each of the following subjects, the topics have been divided into various sections to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.
Section 1: Engineering Mathematics
Core Topics:
- Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra, systems of linear equations, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
- Calculus: Mean value theorems, theorems of integral calculus, partial derivatives, maxima and minima, multiple integrals, Fourier series, vector identities, line, surface and volume integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green's theorems.
- Differential Equations: First order linear and nonlinear differential equations, higher-order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, method of separation of variables, Cauchy's and Euler's equations, initial and boundary value problems, and solution of partial differential equations.
- Analysis of Complex Variables: Analytic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem and integral formula, Taylor's and Laurent's series, residue theorem.
- Probability and Statistics: Sampling theorems, conditional probability, mean, median, mode, and standard deviation, random variables, discrete and continuous distributions: normal, Poisson, and binomial distributions, tests of significance, statistical power analysis, and sample size estimation. Linear regression and correlation analysis.
- Numerical Methods: Matrix inversion, numerical solutions of nonlinear algebraic equations, iterative methods for solving differential equations, numerical integration.
Section 2: Electrical Circuits
Core Topics:
- Voltage and current sources: Voltage and current sources - independent, dependent, ideal and practical; v-i relationships of resistor, inductor and capacitor; transient analysis of RLC circuits with dc excitation; Kirchoff’s laws, superposition, Thevenin, Norton, maximum power transfer and reciprocity theorems; Peak, average and rms values of ac quantities; apparent, active and reactive powers; phasor analysis, impedance and admittance; series and parallel resonance, realization of basic filters with R, L and C elements, Bode plot.
- Kirchhoff's laws: Superposition, Thevenin, Norton, maximum power transfer, and reciprocity theorems.
- AC Quantities: Peak, average, and RMS values, apparent, active, and reactive powers; phasor analysis, impedance and admittance; series and parallel resonance, realization of basic filters with R, L, and C elements, Bode plot.
Section 3: Signals and Systems
Core Topics:
- Continuous and Discrete Signal and Systems - Periodic, a periodic and impulse signals; Sampling theorem; Laplace and Fourier transforms; impulse response of systems; transfer function, frequency response of first and second order linear time invariant systems, convolution, correlation. Discrete time systems - impulse response, frequency response, DFT, Z - transform; basics of IIR and FIR filter.
Section 4: Analog and Digital Electronics
Core Topics:
- Basic characteristics and applications of diode, BJT and MOSFET; Characteristics and applications of operational amplifiers - difference amplifier, adder, subtractor, integrator, differentiator, instrumentation amplifier, buffer, filters and waveform generators. Number systems, Boolean algebra; combinational logic circuits - arithmetic circuits, comparators, Schmitt trigger, encoder/decoder, MUX/DEMUX, multi-vibrators; Sequential circuits - latches and flip flops, state diagrams, shift registers and counters; Principles of ADC and DAC; Microprocessor- architecture, interfacing memory and input- output devices.
Section 5: Measurements and Control Systems
Core Topics:
- SI units, systematic and random errors in measurement, expression of uncertainty - accuracy and precision index, propagation of errors; PMMC, MI and dynamometer type instruments; DC potentiometer; bridges for measurement of R, L and C, Q-meter. Basics of control system - transfer function.
Section 6: Sensors and Bioinstrumentation
Core Topics:
- Sensors - resistive, capacitive, inductive, piezoelectric, Hall effect, electro chemical, optical; Sensor signal conditioning circuits; application of LASER in sensing and therapy. Origin of bio potentials and their measurement techniques - ECG, EEG, EMG, ERG, EOG, GSR, PCG, Principles of measuring blood pressure, body temperature, volume and flow in arteries, veins and tissues, respiratory measurements and cardiac output measurement. Operating principle of medical equipment-sphygmomanometer, ventilator, cardiac pacemaker, defibrillator, pulse oximeter, hemodialyzer Electrical Isolation (optical and electrical) and Safety of Biomedical Instruments.
Section 7: Human Anatomy and Physiology
Core Topics:
- Basics of cell, types of tissues and organ systems; Homeostasis; Basics of organ systems - musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, endocrine, nervous, gastro-intestinal and reproductive.
Section 8: Medical Imaging Systems
Core Topics:
- Imaging Modalities: Basic physics, instrumentation, and image formation techniques in X-ray, computed tomography, SPECT, PET, MRI, and ultrasound.
Section 9: Biomechanics
Core Topics:
- Kinematics of muscles and joints - free-body diagrams and equilibrium, forces and stresses in joints, biomechanical analysis of joints, Gait analysis; Hard Tissues - Definition of Stress and Strain, Deformation Mechanics, structure and mechanical properties of bone - cortical and cancellous bones; Soft Tissues - Structure, functions, material properties, visco elastic properties, Maxwell & Voight models; Biofluid mechanics - Flow properties of blood in the intact human cardiovascular system.
Section 10: Biomaterials
Core Topics:
- Basic properties of biomaterials - Metallic, Ceramic, Polymeric and Composite; Fundamental characteristics of implants - biocompatibility, bioactivity, biodegradability; Basics of drug delivery; Basics of tissue engineering. Biomaterial characterization techniques - Rheology, Atomic Force Microscopy, Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy.